AD: “Azar Helped Eli Lilly Bleed Patients Dry”

Restore Public Trust Launches Full Page Ad as HHS Secretary’s Former Employer Testifies before Congress

Washington– Today, in conjunction with the three major insulin makers appearing on Capitol Hill, accountability group Restore Public Trust launched a full-page Politico ad highlighting Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar’s tenure at Eli Lilly while they dramatically increased insulin prices. The ad comes as Eli Lilly, Azar’s former employer, testifies at the House Energy & Commerce Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee’s hearing, “Priced Out of a Lifesaving Drug: Getting Answers on the Rising Cost of Insulin.”

“Secretary Azar helped Eli Lilly bleed patients dry one drop at a time during his tenure, shamelessly profiting off Americans with chronic diseases,” said Lizzy Price, spokesperson for Restore Public Trust. “Americans shouldn’t have to ration their life-saving medications because of price spikes, but some have done just that, while pharmaceutical executives like Alex Azar profit. This administration has made it clear that they’re not serious about lowering drug prices – starting with nominating big pharma’s best friend, Alex Azar as HHS Secretary.”

The ad illustrates how insulin prices more than tripled under Azar’s tenure at Eli Lilly and encourages readers to visit for more information about Azar’s big pharma past. features an ad that highlights Azar’s history as a pharmaceutical insider and a report about Azar’s tenure at Eli Lilly, when drug prices – including insulin prices – skyrocketed.

Today’s hearing is the second in a two-part series that the Subcommittee is holding on rising insulin prices. In last week’s hearing, Representative Nanette Barragán brought up Azar’s ties to Eli Lilly and pressed the administration on its hypocrisy on drug prices given Azar’s big pharma background.   

Yesterday, Restore Public Trust launched its drug pricing horror stories digital campaign, which featured stories of Americans who were forced to pay too much for their medications and questioned why Azar hasn’t done more to lower drug costs.

Press Release

Alex Azar

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