Watchdog group: “Will elected officials keep their promises to the patients they represent or will they cave to Big Pharma lobbyists desperate to kill this bill and protect their profits?”
President Trump expressed support for major components of bill but refuses to support it amid Big Pharma contributions and lobbying
WASHINGTON – Today, Speaker Pelosi announced that the House of Representatives will be debating and voting on H.R. 3, The Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019. This bill is the culmination of months of work by members of the House to keep the promises they made to fight back against the pharmaceutical industry and reduce the costs of prescription drugs for patients and families.
“A vote on this bill will give people across the country a clear answer to this question: Will elected officials keep their promises to the patients they represent or will they cave to Big Pharma lobbyists desperate to kill this bill and protect their profits?” said Lizzy Price, director of Restore Public Trust.
“President Trump has accepted millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry and has spent the last three years loading up his administration with Big Pharma lobbyists and insiders, so it’s no surprise that he has completely abandoned his promise to reduce the price of prescription drugs. Now that the House is set to vote, the Trump-Azar administration and their allies should finally listen to the American people and stand with the House in their efforts to reduce the price of prescription drugs for patients and families.”
The Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019 would reduce the cost of prescription drugs for patients and families by giving the health secretary the power to negotiate with the drug companies, preventing drug companies from ripping off Americans with higher prices than those they charge to patients in other countries, limiting out of pocket costs for seniors, investing taxpayer savings into research and innovation, and more.
Learn more about the vast network of connections between individuals in the Trump administration and Big Pharma, visit