Trump Drug Importation Plan Is Desperate Attempt to Distract From Broken Promises, Inaction

Politico: The move “allow[s] for a ‘win’ by the Administration without any damage to drug makers…”

WASHINGTON – Today, Restore Public Trust Director Lizzy Price released the following statement in response to the Trump administration’s new policies on drug reimportation. 

“If anyone was hoping for a holiday season gift from the Trump-Azar administration to reduce the cost of their prescription drugs, today’s announcement is a lump of coal.

“This announcement is nothing more than a desperate end-of-year attempt by the Trump-Azar administration to distract from their broken promises and lack of meaningful action to reduce the cost of prescription drugs. Even if the administration follows through on these policies, patients wouldn’t see any relief for years, if at all. And given that this is coming from an administration bought, paid for, and staffed by Big Pharma lobbyists and executives, it’s no surprise that the policies announced today would ensure that Big Pharma profits are protected and potentially even boosted.

“If the Trump-Azar administration was actually serious about reducing the cost of prescription drugs, it would stand up to Big Pharma lobbyists and support the House-passed Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019. Today’s announcement is too little, too late — especially coming from an administration mired in controversy and a president threatening to veto a bill that would do tremendous good for patients and families.”


Press Release

Big PharmaPress Release

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