FTA Acting Administrator Claimed Favoritism Toward Kentucky is “Not Something That The Department Does Under Secretary Chao’s Leadership.” When asked by a Congressman if FTA favors Kentucky, FTA Acting Administrator K. Jane Williams said: “‘I’m happy to tell you that there is not one CIG project in Kentucky.’ Favoritism to the secretary’s home state (which her husband, Mitch McConnell, represents in the Senate) is ‘not something that the department does under Secretary Chao’s leadership.’” [Politico, 7/17/19]
August 24, 2018: Elaine Chao Appeared At An Event In Lexington, KY To Announce $2.3 Million In Grants For Their Transit Authority. “The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced a $2.3 million grant for the Transit Authority of Lexington so the city can purchase new electric buses. U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao made the announcement during a Greater Lexington Chamber of Commerce event Friday.” [WKYT, 8/24/18]
- Chao: “I Try Not To Come Empty Handed.” TRANSCRIPT: CHAO: “I am so pleased to report to you that Lextrans will be receiving $2.3 million through the US Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration program of low or no emission grants. This $2.3 million will be used to purchase electric cars and electric buses and charging stations which was serviced the city of Lexington and also Fayette County. [APPLAUSE] I try not to come empty handed.” [Commerce Lexington Inc. Policy Luncheon – Elaine Chao Remarks, 8/24/18]
Politico HEADLINE: “Emails Reveal Coordination Between Chao, McConnell Offices.” [Politico, 2/19/19]
Former McConnell Chief Of Staff And Campaign Manager, Janet Mullins Grissom, Promoted Politico Article, Claiming It Was Not A “Scandal” For The Secretary Of Transportation To Favor Kentucky. “Thanks ‘American Oversight’ (?) for highlighting (and Politico for reporting) dedicated Kentuckians working hard delivering jobs/funds for @Kentucky. Try as you might you’ll have to look elsewhere for scandal. Maybe Democrats/NY/AOC where killing jobs is apparently a thing.” [Twitter – @JMullingsGrisson, 2/19/19]