Watchdog group launched petition drive, ad campaign to fight provision that would hurt patients and protect Big Pharma profits
Bloomberg News: Removal of provision would be “a blow to brand-name pharmaceutical companies”
WASHINGTON – Today, Restore Public Trust Director Lizzy Price released the following statement on the news that the Trump administration could be on the verge of caving to public pressure by removing the provision in the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that protects the pharmaceutical industry from generic competition:
“The Trump administration is clearly feeling the heat from people across the country who don’t think Big Pharma profits should be protected in a new trade deal. But we know Big Pharma and is desperate to keep this provision in the trade deal, so people need to keep up the pressure on Congress and this administration to eliminate it before any trade deal is allowed to move.”
Restore Public Trust has launched a petition drive and digital ad campaign to help members of the public make their voices heard on this issue.