Voters Believe Trump Should Be Held to the Same Standard As Other Presidents
WASHINGTON — New polling released today by Restore Public Trust confirms that Americans strongly back Congress’ efforts to investigate and hold the Trump administration accountable — especially in cases where there could be criminal wrongdoing. Americans want leaders in Congress to investigate senior administration officials and reinforce that no one — not even President Trump — is above the law.
“Members of the Trump administration should be advised that the American people support Congress in their effort to crack down on corruption and criminal activity,” said Caroline Ciccone, Executive Director of Restore Public Trust. “Congress has strong support for their role in protecting our Democracy and ensuring our federal government is working for all Americans. Despite Trump’s comments during the State of The Union address, Congress cannot let significant questions about shady financial dealings, campaign contributions and Russia’s interference in the 2016 election go without proper investigation – Americans simply won’t stand for it.”
The new poll found most Americans believe strongly that no one is above the law and that it is Congress’ duty to uncover possible criminal activity in the administration.
Key findings released by Restore Public Trust and conducted by Global Strategy Group and GBA Strategies’ include:
- Americans overwhelmingly — 86 percent — believe that it is Congress’s job to find out if Trump or senior administration officials have committed any crimes.
- A majority — 60 percent — of Americans want Democrats in Congress to investigate senior officials in the Trump administration.
- Americans widely believe — 84 percent — that President Trump is not above the law.
Topline memo with findings from the poll can be found here.
See slide deck of the findings here.